Coya Inca — Showroom


Born of a union between the sun and moon, legend has it that this revered Coya, queen of the Incan people, brought to the Incas an art that would become synonymous with their empire: the art of weaving. Indeed, the Incan Empire revered textiles above all other commodities, even gold and silver. Dyed with prized plant and insect life, and woven with the utmost care, this fine cloth was crafted specifically for the Coya and her royal family.

Today, the Incan weaving of old is carried on through the artisans of the Cusco region, passed down from mother to daughter over centuries. Although these artisans no longer work in service of the Coya, the practices perfected centuries ago by their ancestors ensure very little has changed. Through them, and now Coya Inca, the Empire of Cloth lives on.
